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    Resources Translator Love is something eternal; the aspect may change but not the essence.

Love is something eternal; the aspect may change but not the essence.

Translation result
El amor es algo eterno, el aspecto puede cambiar pero no la esencia. Love is something eternal; the aspect may change but not the essence.

jewel noun

1. a precious or semiprecious stone incorporated into a piece of jewelry.

The necklace featured a large sapphire jewel that sparkled in the light, drawing admiring glances from everyone at the party. El collar destacaba un gran joya de zafiro que brillaba en la luz, atrayendo miradas admirativas de todos en la fiesta.
The antique brooch was adorned with a small emerald jewel surrounded by intricate filigree, adding to its value as a collectible treasure. El broche antiguo estaba adornado con un pequeño joya de esmeralda rodeada por una delicada filigrana, lo que aumentaba su valor como tesoro coleccionable.

2. a person who is as brilliant and precious as a piece of jewelry.

The team's star quarterback was considered a jewel, leading them to victory after victory throughout the season. El quarterback estrella del equipo era considerado un joya, llevándolos a la victoria después de victoria a lo largo de la temporada.
At the annual awards ceremony, Sarah was hailed as a jewel in her field, recognized for her groundbreaking research and innovative approach to medicine. En el acto anual de premios, Sarah fue aclamada como una joya en su campo, reconocida por su investigación pionera y enfoque innovador en medicina.

be verb

1. have the quality of being.

The new employee is calm, which be an essential trait for working in customer service. (In this sentence, "be" means to have the quality of being calm.) El nuevo empleado es sereno, lo que es una característica esencial para trabajar en atención al cliente. (En esta oración, "ser" significa tener la calidad de ser sereno.)

2. be identical to.

The two copies of the document be identical, making it impossible to determine which one is the original. Los dos ejemplares del documento sean idénticos, lo que hace imposible determinar cuál es el original.

3. occupy a certain position or area.

The new restaurant will be located on the corner of Main Street and Elm Avenue, right next to the city's famous fountain. El nuevo restaurante se ubicará en la esquina de calle Main y Avenida Elm, justo al lado de la famosa fuente de la ciudad.

4. have an existence, be extant.

The ancient city of Pompeii still be on the Italian coast, despite being buried under volcanic ash for centuries. La ciudad antigua de Pompeya sigue estando en la costa italiana, a pesar de estar enterrada bajo cenizas volcánicas durante siglos.

5. happen, occur, take place.

The storm was expected to be severe, so we stocked up on supplies and boarded up the windows. La tormenta se esperaba que fuera severa, por lo que nos aprovisionamos de suministros y acristalamos las ventanas.

6. be identical or equivalent to.

The new smartphone **be** a clone of the latest iPhone model, sharing many of its features and design elements. El nuevo smartphone **será** una copia del último modelo de iPhone, compartiendo muchos de sus características y elementos de diseño.

7. form or compose.

The songwriter spent hours be-ing the melody, carefully crafting each note to create a haunting harmony. El compositor pasó horas siendo la melodía, cuidadosamente labrando cada nota para crear un armonía aterciopelada.

8. work in a specific place, with a specific subject, or in a specific function.

As a freelance writer, she be based out of her home office to focus on her latest novel. Como escritora independiente, ella trabaja desde su oficina en casa para enfocarse en su última novela.

9. represent, as of a character on stage.

The actor will be Shakespeare's Hamlet in tonight's performance. El actor será Hamlet de Shakespeare en la representación de esta noche.

10. spend or use time.

I'll be watching the game all afternoon, so don't disturb me. Voy a estar viendo el partido toda la tarde, así que no me molestes.

11. have life, be alive.

The newborn baby was still learning to be, struggling to breathe and adjusting to its new life outside the womb. El bebé recién nacido todavía estaba aprendiendo a ser, luchando por respirar y adaptándose a su nueva vida fuera del útero.

12. to remain unmolested, undisturbed, or uninterrupted -- used only in infinitive form.

The hikers made sure to be off the trail by nightfall so they could be alone and enjoy their campsite without disturbance. Los senderistas se aseguraron de estar fuera del camino por la hora nocturna para poder estar solos y disfrutar de su acampada sin molestar.

13. be priced at.

The new smartphone will be $800, making it one of the most expensive models on the market. El nuevo smartphone costará $800, lo que lo hará uno de los modelos más caros en el mercado.


I am
You are
He/She/It is
We are
You are
They are
Complete conjugation.

something noun

eternal adjective

aspect noun

1. a distinct feature or element in a problem.

In evaluating the new employee's performance, we need to consider not only their technical skills but also the social aspect of working with colleagues. Evaluando el desempeño del nuevo empleado, es necesario considerar no solo sus habilidades técnicas, sino también el aspecto social de trabajar con colegas.

2. a characteristic to be considered.

When evaluating a job candidate, the interviewer considered their communication aspect and how well they worked in a team. Cuando se evalúa a un candidato para un trabajo, el entrevistador consideró su aspecto de comunicación y cómo bien trabajaba en equipo.

3. the visual percept of a region.

The breathtaking aspect of the Grand Canyon's sunrise view took my breath away, with the warm golden light illuminating the rugged terrain. El aspecto impresionante del atardecer en el Gran Cañón me quitó la respiración, con la luz dorada cálida iluminando el terreno acantilado.

4. the beginning or duration or completion or repetition of the action of a verb.

The aspect of the project that I'm most concerned about is the timeline, which seems unrealistic for completing the task on schedule. El aspecto del proyecto que me preocupa más es el plazo, que parece injustificablemente ambicioso para completar la tarea a tiempo.

5. the feelings expressed on a person's face.

The psychologist studied the aspect of her patient's face to understand their emotional state, looking for subtle changes in expression. El psicólogo estudió el aspecto de la cara de su paciente para comprender su estado emocional, buscando cambios sutiles en la expresión facial.

change verb

1. cause to change.

The new policy aims to change the company's approach to sustainability, shifting from fossil fuels to renewable energy sources. El nuevo plan de política busca cambiar el enfoque de la empresa hacia la sostenibilidad, pasando de los combustibles fósiles a las fuentes de energía renovable.

2. undergo a change.

After retiring from her career, she decided to change her lifestyle and move to a smaller town in the countryside. Después de retirarse de su carrera, decidió cambiar su estilo de vida y mudarse a una pequeña localidad en el campo.

3. become different in some particular way, without permanently losing one's or its former characteristics or essence.

As she grew older, her interests began to change from playing with dolls to reading books and exploring the outdoors. A medida que crecía, sus intereses comenzaron a cambiar de jugar con muñecas a leer libros y explorar el exterior.

4. lay aside, abandon, or leave for another.

After years of dedication to her career, she decided to change her priorities and focus on her family. Después de años de dedicación a su carrera, decidió cambiar sus prioridades y enfocarse en su familia.

5. change clothes.

After getting wet in the rain, Emma decided to change into some dry clothes before heading back inside. Después de mojarse en la lluvia, Emma decidió cambiar de ropa seca antes de regresar adentro.

6. exchange or replace with another, usually of the same kind or category.

The manager asked employees to change their work shifts to accommodate the new schedule. El gerente pidió a los empleados cambiar sus turnos de trabajo para adaptarse al nuevo horario.

7. give to, and receive from, one another.

The couple decided to change their wedding rings on their anniversary, symbolizing their continued love and commitment to each other. El pareja decidió cambiar sus anillos de compromiso en su aniversario, simbolizando su amor y compromiso continuos el uno con el otro.

8. change from one vehicle or transportation line to another.

When we arrived at the airport, I changed from my flight to a bus to get to the city center. Cuando llegamos al aeropuerto, cambié de mi vuelo a un autobús para llegar al centro de la ciudad.

9. become deeper in tone.

As she spoke about her personal struggles, her voice began to change, taking on a more somber and introspective quality that resonated deeply with the audience. Mientras hablaba sobre sus luchas personales, su voz comenzó a cambiar, adquiriendo un tono más serio e introspectivo que resonó profundamente con el público.

10. remove or replace the coverings of.

The mechanic had to change the tire's inner tube to fix the puncture. El mecánico tuvo que cambiar el tubo interior del neumático para reparar la pinchazo.


I change.
You change.
He/She/It changes.
We change.
You change.
They change.
Complete conjugation.

not adverb

1. negation of a word or group of words.

She didn't attend the meeting, not because she was busy but because she had forgotten about it. Ella no asistió a la reunión, no porque estuviera ocupada, sino porque se había olvidado de ella.
The new policy doesn't apply to existing customers, not to mention those who have already made a purchase. La nueva política no se aplica a los clientes existentes, ni mencionar a aquellos que ya han efectuado una compra.
The teacher asked the students to solve the math problem again, not correctly this time, but with a different approach. El profesor pidió a los estudiantes que resolvieran el problema de matemáticas de nuevo, no correctamente esta vez, sino con un enfoque diferente.

essence noun

1. the choicest or most essential or most vital part of some idea or experience.

The essence of her journey was not just about reaching the summit, but about the sense of accomplishment and pride that came with overcoming incredible obstacles. El esencia de su viaje no fue solo llegar a la cima, sino el sentido de logro y orgullo que vino con superar obstáculos increíbles.

2. any substance possessing to a high degree the predominant properties of a plant or drug or other natural product from which it is extracted.

The perfumer carefully extracted the essence of lavender from the delicate flowers to create a soothing aroma for her new fragrance. La perfumista extrajo con cuidado el esencia de lavanda de las flores delicadas para crear un aroma reconfortante para su nuevo perfume.

3. the central meaning or theme of a speech or literary work.

The essence of Steinbeck's novel, The Grapes of Wrath, lies in its powerful portrayal of the Great Depression and its impact on the working class. La esencia de la novela de Steinbeck, Las uvas de la ira, reside en su poderosa representación de la Gran Depresión y su impacto sobre la clase trabajadora.

4. a toiletry that emits and diffuses a fragrant odor.

The perfumer carefully selected a few drops of lavender essence to add a soothing touch to her new candle line. La perfumista seleccionó con cuidado unos pocos gotas de esencia de lavanda para agregar un toque suave a su nueva línea de velas.